Created on:
March 30, 2019

The energy is up, and the Jam is ON!

Now that the embargo has been lifted we would like to share our Opening Videos with you. But before we do, please join us in sending a big Jammy THANK YOU to all the people who supported Liz and N.P to make the opening video for this Jam.

They donated their voice, their acting skills, their dancing skills and their all-around amazingness to help us make this video so very Jammy.

Our vid-heroes are:

Andi Maehrlein, Jonas and Nakil

The amazing people from andicam.de who were an integral part of the video editing team.
You can find them and some of their work @AndicamGmbH

Jaakko Porokuokko

A super Host and Jammer who donated a bit of his voice, his hand modelling skills and provided us with a mighty Samurai
You can share an ice cream with him @JaaPoro
Join him in looking for Samurais at @GSJ11Helsinki and @Laurea_RDI

Mahmoud Abdelrahman

Jam Host and a member of the Jam HQ, who dares to Jam BIG!

You can find his master piece at @GSJ_Riyadh or to learn more about Jamming Big check @mahmoudarahman.

Adam Cochrane

The all around chilled Host extraordinaire, who have always readily answered our calls asking him to act, dance, jump and record things on a microphone.

If you are ever in Berlin and in need of a Jam guide find him @adam_cochrane he is also often @Jam_Berlin

Alicia Grimes

A problem solver, explorer and Prototype-groupie, who donated her voice and spark.

You can find her @alicia_grimes

Chris Latterell

A veteran Jammer who helped Stuttgart to get Jammy and donated his voice to this video. He bakes chocolate chip cookies and is raising 2 Jammers in training.

You can reach this leading mind @Latterell

Vinay Singe

A Jam friend who donated his voice to the video, and is extending the reach of the Jam "do it" attitude to the automotive sector.

Find him @vinaysinge

Annika Leopold

A team Jam supporter and voice over star, who proves that you can (still) be a "soccer mom" while also promoting digital transformation, and helping companies became better players

Reach her to "talk teams" @leopoldannika

Christof Zürn

Our Jammer and jammer. He he shared some of his music and his voice with us, and he is also the one who gave us the Music Thinking Jam cards.

Talk tunes with him @christofZuern

Ivan Entchevitch

He donated his voice to the video and is a Dog whisperer, Innovation strategist and Service Designer, need I say more?

See this joyful collection @nushik

And of course our very own Jamgineer Adam StJohn Lawrence

Who got us all into this, and also donated his voice and feedbacks to this video.
If you are looking for someone to help you make your very own super heroe outfit you can find him @adamstjohn
And you can find his partner in crime Markus Hormeß @markusedgar

Emma Kraft

The youngest of the contributors who lead us into the secret theme and is making the way for a brand new crop of Jam heroes.

Tks Emma, you rock! :)

A special thank you to every single host and jammer who created, danced and acted, in the videos.

These videos were a tribute to you.
Thanks for making the world a bit brighter :)

N.P & Liz

P.S.: You can find Liz (Liz Kraft) @lizkraft. She is a "Powerfrau", obsessed with the facilitation of Service Design who does not shy away from getting things done (and is raising three tiny humans).

P.S.S. You can find N.P, aka Natasche, a multipotentialite and the bold, hidden power house behind many a global Jam, @cocreatingvalue.

Global Service Jam 2019 – Opening Video Part 1

Global Service Jam 2019 – Opening Video part 2

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