Global Gov Jam 2019

Only 48 hours to rock the public sector
18.-24. October 2019


The Global GovJam is unique for its focus on public services – any services which are provided by the state, or paid for by our taxes. We Jam to understand and meet the needs of citizens and the people who serve them.  Initially set up with the Australian government, our youngest Jam has already spread worldwide and today welcomes government ministers, city mayors, doctors, soldiers, police, tax officers, teachers… and a wide range of ordinary citizens and innovation specialists. #GGovJam is the perfect context for public servants and citizens to Jam side by side and really appreciate each other’s world.

In 2019, #GGovJam switched to a festival format over a whole week. Within the Jam week, every local Jam could choose their own continuous 48 hour slot – perhaps on a weekend, on weekdays, or a combination of the two. We hope this longer format will make it possible for many different types of Jam to take place, making the #GGovJam even more meaningful for citizens and public servants.

NEW DATE: The next Global GovJam will take place between the 18th and 24th of October 2019.

Check out some impressions from the Global Gov Jam in Dundee and Riyadh:

Check out what our Jammers have been up to over the Previous Jam week 2019


Over 70 projects Created
by Jammers in 25 Jam Locations
across the Globe.


["BA GovJam",34.6158036,-58.50351,4]


BA GovJam

Buenos Aires

After a fun an exciting 2018 comeback get ready for the 2019 edition of the BA GovJam. We are aiming to make this an even more exciting and inspiring experience than last year. Public Servants, designers, non-designers, humans of Buenos Aires: come jam with us!

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Globant Capitalinas

Humberto 1° 630, Córdoba

¡¡¡Por primera vez Córdoba sera host de la GovJam!!!
Tres días para co-crear y experimentar servicios del sector publico bajo la metodología de design thinking.

¿Qué esperas para participar? vení a divertirte!!!

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La Plata GovJam

Globant La Plata

calle 6 n°572. La Plata, 1900 Buenos Aires

The GovJam is a global event for everyone interested in Service Design. There will be designers, copywriters, journalists, business people, unemployed people, mums, and engineers. This edition will take place in the weekend of October 18, 19 and 20th in more than 100 cities around the world, and it’ll be themed around public services. Participants will be networking and sharing knowledge the best possible way: by building something together.

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Vienna GovJam 2019

Wonderwerk Innovation Lab

Stoß im Himmel 3 Tür 9, 1010 Vienna

Only 48 hours to rock the public sector

Der Vienna GovJam ist ein interdisziplinäres Innovationscamp. Weltweit zum 7. Mal treffen sich Menschen aus Politik & öffentlicher Verwaltung, um in einem neuartigen Veranstaltungssetting innovative Lösungen für die aktuellen Herausforderungen des öffentlichen Sektors zu entwickeln.

Am Ende des Workshops haben die TeilnehmerInnen jedenfalls die Design-Thinking-Methode angewandt und erprobt und können diese in ihren Arbeitsalltag übernehmen – insofern hat der Jam natürlich auch einen Weiterbildungsaspekt für die beteiligen VerwaltungspraktikerInnen.

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["GovJam Brussels",50.854954,4.3051789,4]


GovJam Brussels


Munt 6, Brussels 1000

Sta je te popelen om uitdagingen waar overheden mee worstelen oplossingsgericht aan te pakken? En wil je dat leren doen in samenwerking met verschillende stakeholders? Kom dan mee service jammen op 21 en 22 oktober in Muntpunt in Brussel!

We gaan aan de slag in kleine groepen o.l.v. ervaren facilitatoren. We formuleren een uitdaging en doorlopen stapsgewijs het service design proces van probleemdefinitie over idee-ontwikkeling tot prototyping en testing.

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["GovJam SP",-22.5254245,-50.8851766,4]


GovJam SP

São Paulo

O GovJam SP é aberto a qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse nos serviços públicos e que queira somar suas próprias ideias e perspectivas enquanto curte a companhia dos outros e aprende mais sobre como o mundo funciona. Tanto indivíduos quanto organizações podem participar – você não precisa de experiência no governo ou setor público.

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["Rio GovJam",22.914069,-43.5864103,4]


Rio GovJam


Rua do Passeio, 80, Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20021-280

For the second year, we are getting together people that are interested in take actions by hand and rethink the public services in Rio!
Using Design methodologies, we will engage in a 48h marathon of cocreation and experimentation in order to innovate in the public sector!
Join us!

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Beijing Gov Jam


We welcome new jammers from all kinds of jobs. We use the method of Service Design to solve a practical problem through co-creation, and make a prototype to test and improve it. The Global Gov Jam is host in 48 hours between 2019 Oct. 18-24 .

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["Bogotá GovJam",4.648695,-74.6685145,4]


Bogotá GovJam


En Bogotá crearemos un espacio de innovación encaminado a solucionar problemáticas sociales a través de metodologías de diseño. Contaremos con la participación de personas de diferentes contextos sociales y profesionales para, conjuntamente, diseñar soluciones creativas a retos que enfrentamos como ciudadanos. ¿Qué esperas para participar? Inscríbete.

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Zagreb Government Jam


Bednjanska 8a, Zagreb, 10000

Let's rock the public sector together!

During 48 hours of Zagreb Service Jam you'll have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, who want to change things regarding public services and provide/have better customer experience.

Gathered around the common (still secret) theme, you will work in teams, following design thinking approach and for help there will be facilitators - professional design thinkers.

Hope to see you on 23rd and 24th October on 2nd Zagreb Government Jam!

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["Düsseldorf GovJam",51.2385857,6.6739241,4]


Düsseldorf GovJam

Deloitte Digital Studio

Rather Strasse 110A, 4th Floor, 40476 Düsseldorf

What impact will we make on the public sector within 48h?

Join us for this weekend challenge and use and learn about service design. If you are curious to work together with people from various backgrounds to make things better for people we are welcoming you with whatever expertise you bring to the table.
We will be jamming at the Deloitte Digital office Saturday 19th 09:30 -17:00 and Sunday 20th 9:30 - 16:30.

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["Banana Jam",14.608043,-90.7134546,4]


Banana Jam


We're panning on reliving the Jams in the city, bringing in multiple stakeholders with different backgrounds to help shape a better future for us all.

So come and join us, have fun, make yourself be heard, and build your own version of the future for you and your community.

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["HK SocialJam",22.3526629,113.9872717,4]

Hong Kong

HK SocialJam


Hong Kong

We bring curious minds in Hong Kong together who want to try their hand at Design Thinking for the best of Hong Kong’s future. From a safe space we aim to improve social services in Hong Kong and welcome all views and ideas to our jam.

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["Jam Mumbai Jam",19.0821976,72.7407576,4]


Jam Mumbai Jam



If Mumbai is your "heart city". If you believe you are a thinker & a doer & would like to bring a change in this city for its people. We'd love to Jam with you! Lets come together and give these 48 hours to our beloved city and spark the change you'd love to experience. All we expect you to do is, to work in a team, go beyond discussions & make the simplest form of that change happen.

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Milan 20100

48 ore per cambiare il mondo!
Unisciti a persone collegate in 120 paesi di tutto il mondo per lavorare ad un progetto di cambiamento globale imparando i processi e gli strumenti del Design Thinking. Alla fine dell'evento porteremo a casa dei prototipi concreti e tangibili di progetti di cambiamento sociale. È il contesto in cui chi lavora nel pubblico e i cittadini possono trovarsi a fianco a fianco per progettare un futuro migliore e comune.

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Nur-Sultan JAM

Innovation Lab

Magelik El 55/23, МФЦА C4.4, 0100000 Nur-Sultan

Впервые в Казахстане, мы собираем вместе людей неравнодушных и заинтересованных в том, чтобы улучшить государственные сервисы в Нур-Султане.

Используя методологию Дизайн мышления и Сервис дизайна, вы будете участвовать в 48-часовом марафоне совместного творчества и экспериментов с целью проектирования инноваций в государственном секторе!
Присоединяйтесь к нам!

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Maison Des Arts Et Des Etudiants

Avenue de la Fonte, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg (Belval )

The Global Gov Jam is a 48-hours event where service design enthusiasts from various backgrounds will work together, share their experiences and learn new methods and tools to create better user-experience in public sector. During 48 hours people interested in creating services (in public sector) will work together in spirit of experimentation to develop new user- experiences inspired by a shared theme.

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Lima Gov Service Jam

Repensar Educativo

Av El Ejército 1146, Piso 11, Lima

Este es un evento sin fines de lucro que se realiza en simultáneo en diferentes ciudades del mundo y que busca introducir a la comunidad en el mundo del Service Design y Design Thinking. Trabajaremos durante 2 días bajo un tema paraguas secreto compartido a nivel global.

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["Porto GovJam",41.1621376,-8.6570589,4]


Porto GovJam

Porto Innovation Hub

Largo do Dr. Tito Fontes 15 Porto 4000-538

48 horas a construir soluções inovadoras para enfrentar desafios do setor público
Motivação, criatividade, espírito de experimentação e competição amigável serão o mote das 48 horas deste evento em que os participantes terão resolver desafios do sector público e desenvolver um serviço inovador, inspirado no desafio lançado internacionalmente pela Global Gov Jam.

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["Bucharest Gov Jam",44.4377397,25.9542115,4]


Bucharest Gov Jam

Rezidența BRD Scena9

Str. Ion Luca Caragiale, nr. 32 Bucharest

Bucharest Gov Jam is at its second edition and we are looking forward to it. The 2018 edition was a hit with more than 30 people joining in the middle of the working week. Some of them actually took a vacation from work to participate.

The organizing teams are founders and active members in the Design Thinking Community. Many of them are experienced facilitators.

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Ljubljana GovJam

Študentski Kampus Ljubljana

Pivovarniška ulica 6, Ljubljana

Ljubljana will be joining the Global GovJam for the 7th time! We're excited to have partnered with our ministry for public administration and design studio Innovatif who are supporting our event.

Our Jam will take place on 23rd and 24th of October with a pre-event on Monday, 21st of October where we will present some case studies of great public services from Slovenia and abroad.

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Barcelona GovJam


Carrer Perú, 52, Barcelona 08018

El 22, 23 i 24 d'octubre arriba per setè any consecutiu a Barcelona la Global GovJam, l’esdeveniment sobre innovació en els serveis públics que se celebra simultàniament arreu del món.
Què és?
Un esdeveniment pràctic i informalon aprendre, experimentar, co-crear i innovar construint noves solucions durant 48 hores, al voltant d’un tema comú.
Treballarem en petits grups amb tècniques de disseny de serveis i design thinking, creant solucions i enfocaments innovadorsper als reptes actuals del sector públic. Al final dels dos dies, compartirem els resultats amb la resta del món.

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["Zaragoza GovJam",41.65175,-0.9300862,4]


Zaragoza GovJam

Centro Aragonés de Diseño Industrial (Cadi)

Calle Monasterio de Samos 42, 50013 Zaragoza

Zaragoza GovJam es una experiencia que busca el desarrollo de inercias para la mejora de los servicios públicos mediante un proyecto de diseño colaborativo entre funcionarios y otros agentes.
Funcionarios de distintas administraciones y ciudadanos se reúnen para experimentar una metodología de diseño para la mejora de los servicios públicos.
Los equipos son guiados por coachers expertos en métodos y herramienta de diseño.
Conoce las necesidades de los usuarios, propón ideas, trabaja en su desarrollo, prueba tus ideas con usuarios, comparte y ¡aprende del proceso!

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["GovJam Malmö",55.5701484,12.9457615,4]


GovJam Malmö


Humlegatan 4B Malmö

Do you want to meet a diverse mix of people interested in learning creative tools and techniques to change how we work? Join us at the Global GovJam!
Together we will learned methods to collaborate, challenge assumptions and create prototypes to improve services.

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["Nilüfer GovJam",40.1756144,28.5489397,4]


Nilüfer GovJam

Nilufer Innovation Center

Nilüfer, Bursa

This is our first Nilüfer GovJam and we are so happy to host this exciting event. We’ll get great new ideas and service design methods by co-creating a working prototype. Come and join us as we come together to envision a better Nilüfer!

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United Arab Emirates


Emirates Towers, Area 2071


Dubai is at the forefront of innovative, digital and citizen happiness initiatives and we're delighted to be back for this years GovJam.

We will be hosting the main GovJam event and smaller events during the week. More details on the details coming soon, but get in touch to take part.

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["Blackpool GovJam",53.8253884,-3.0944133,4]

United Kingdom

Blackpool GovJam

Winter Gardens in Blackpool, Derham Lounge


Do you fancy a trip to the seaside? Blackpool Gov Jam will be taking place between 23rd and 24th October this year and will be the first of its kind to happen on the North West Coast. We're bringing people together from all walks of life to learn new design skills to help them improve their communities, meet new people and have fun!

Bringing the jam to Blackpool is a timely opportunity with the recent investment in high-speed broadband in the area and the local council's ambition to make Blackpool an exciting digital place to live and work. Come join us and help make it happen! :)

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["Leeds GovJam",,,4]

United Kingdom

Leeds GovJam


3rd Floor Munro House, Duke St, Leeds LS9 8AG

Have you ever found that some people approach a challenge or a problem differently? Do you wish you could tackle a problem with a range of approaches and generate lots of ideas?
Leeds Gov Jam is an amazing opportunity to experience working differently and learn new behaviours and techniques that you can use in your work and life. You won’t be alone, there are 100 plus cities all over the world trying to solve the same problem and makepublic services better. You could be one of these amazing people.

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United Kingdom


Does Liverpool

1st Floor, The Tapestry 68-76 Kempston Street Liverpool

We are pleased to be bringing the jam back to Liverpool and to be building on the success of the previous two Global Service Jams. The event will be at Does Liverpool again but this time with a Government twist.

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["London GovJam",51.5287352,-0.3817841,4]

United Kingdom

London GovJam

Snook - Future Business Centre East London

18 - 20 London Lane, London E8 3PR

London GovJam is a chance to learn by doing. Your team will collaborate rapidly in designing and testing solutions to public problems. You’ll get more than great new ideas and service design methods: by the end of the event you will have the experience of co-creating a working prototype.

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["GOV HTX",29.816881,-95.6821643,4]

United States


Houston TX

Join us at GOV HTX 2019 as we create and design innovative service solutions to improve our city. Projects will focus on the public sector. So whether it's education, healthcare, transportation, government or caritative we're free to explore and create concepts for the common good. Everyone is welcome to join us as we come together to envision a better Houston!

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Montevideo GovJam


Montevideo GovJam es parte de un desafío global abierto a cualquier persona interesada en compartir sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas para co-crear servicios públicos.
Con la ayuda de la metodología de Design Thinking idearemos soluciones que generen impacto y transformación.

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No items found.


Check out our website archive of the Global Gov Jams from 2012 to 2018 at


[" 海南海口湾战队 (Hainan)",,,4]

海南海口湾战队 (Hainan)


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Miami Ad School Madrid

Calle Santa Cruz de Marcenado 4, Local 4, 28014 Madrid

En solo 48 horas, tú y un diverso grupo de colegas, amigos y completos extraños diseñarán un nuevo servicio y lo presentaran al resto del mundo.
Ese es el desafío fijado por los organizadores del Global Service Jam, un evento de que pretende aglutinar a equipos multidisciplinares alrededor del mundo con un mismo fin, crear nuevos conceptos de servicios. Basado en el concepto musical JAM session es, en estado puro, un ejercicio de improvisación creativa, donde nuevas ideas serán descubiertas “learning by doing”.

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["UNBC Global GovJam",53.9267852,-122.917566,4]

UNBC Global GovJam

University of Northern British Columbia

Prince George, British Columbia

GovJam is a service design-led hackathon-style event, where teams analyze, design, prototype, & create innovative public services. The goal is to learn, connect, and create new solutions for real-world problems using a design-based approach. The Gov Jam is open to anyone who is interested in innovative and effective public service design.Nov 7th - 5-8pm Meet members, mingle, get into teams, learn the themeNov 8th - 9-5pm Work on problems, ideas, and designsNov 9th - 9-3pm Finalize solution prototype, present and learnTimes are estimates and may change

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[" BA ServiceJam",-34.6158036,-58.50351,4]

BA ServiceJam

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is slowly becoming a Jam-loving city, this 2020 come and experience our third GSJam in a row. Like all Global Jam locations, ours is an open Jam, both designers and non-designers are welcome to apply.

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["BA GovJam",34.6158036,-58.50351,4]

BA GovJam

Buenos Aires

After a fun an exciting 2018 comeback get ready for the 2019 edition of the BA GovJam. We are aiming to make this an even more exciting and inspiring experience than last year. Public Servants, designers, non-designers, humans of Buenos Aires: come jam with us!

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["BA Service Jam (Hexacta, Clay 2954)",-34.6036844,-58.3815591,4]

BA Service Jam (Hexacta, Clay 2954)


Clay 2954, C1426, Buenos Aires, Argentina

After a fun an exciting 2018 comeback get ready for the 2019 edition of the BA Service Jam. We are aiming to make this an even more exciting and inspiring experience than last year. March is a beautiful time of the year in Buenos Aires, come jam with us!
Contact email:

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["CBA ServiceJam",-31.3994009,-64.2645556,4]

CBA ServiceJam

Córdoba Capital

Join us for the first Córdoba Service Jam!!! Participants with a diverse set of backgrounds will be coming together to work in a global challenge. The event is open for everyone who's eager to learn new methods, new tools and share their experiences.

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Globant Capitalinas

Humberto 1° 630, Córdoba

¡¡¡Por primera vez Córdoba sera host de la GovJam!!!
Tres días para co-crear y experimentar servicios del sector publico bajo la metodología de design thinking.

¿Qué esperas para participar? vení a divertirte!!!

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Casa Naranja X

La Tablada 451, Córdoba, 5000

After a break due to the pandemic, we are ready for the 2022 edition of the CBAGovJam!!!Three days to co-create experiences in the public sector under Design Thinking methodology.Come and join us!!!

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["La Plata GovJam",,,4]

La Plata GovJam

Globant La Plata

calle 6 n°572. La Plata, 1900 Buenos Aires

The GovJam is a global event for everyone interested in Service Design. There will be designers, copywriters, journalists, business people, unemployed people, mums, and engineers. This edition will take place in the weekend of October 18, 19 and 20th in more than 100 cities around the world, and it’ll be themed around public services. Participants will be networking and sharing knowledge the best possible way: by building something together.

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["La Plata Service Jam",-34.9090273,-57.9353745,4]

La Plata Service Jam

Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Come and join us for the first La Plata Service Jam! On the 29th-31st March 2019, participants with a diverse set of backgrounds will be coming together  to work in a global challenge. The event is open for everyone who's eager to learn new methods, new tools and share their experiences.


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["La Plata Service Jam",-34.9205233,-57.9881899,4]

La Plata Service Jam

La Plata, 1900 Buenos Aires

Are you passionate about change? Join us for our second Service Jam in La Plata. Calling all designers, developers, strategists, innovators and anyone who wants to create positive change in the world! Participants will be coming together to work on a global challenge

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["MDZ Service Jam",-32.8832979,-68.8760716,4]

MDZ Service Jam

5500 Mendoza

Come and join us for the first MDZ Service Jam! Participants with a diverse set of backgrounds will be coming together to work in a global challenge. The event is open for everyone who's eager to learn new methods, new tools and share their experiences.

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["Brisbane Jam",-27.454951,153.013483,4]

Brisbane Jam

QUT Creative Industries

Z1 The Works, 34 Parer Place via Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia

The Global Service Jam is a non-profit event which has been set up to promote the discipline of service design, and to allow interested people to exchange techniques, ideas and experience in a relaxed, energetic environment. Brisbane Jam is our first official event, run by a collective of Passionate Brisbane Designers with many years of experience in Service Design.
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["Brisbane Jam",-27.3812519,152.7123221,4]

Brisbane Jam


Level 22, 141 Queen Street, Brisbane, 4000, QLD

This year Brisbane jam are bringing a 3 session online event running September 5, 12, 13 2020.

Teams will be allocated a virtual space to work in & over the course of the 3 days you‘ll conduct research, prototyping, & test your concepts all being done through remote techniques.

Experienced jam coaches & mentors will help guide you all the way so come join the fun.

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["Jam Melbourne",-37.8136276,144.9630576,4]

Jam Melbourne

Melbourne CBD

Melbourne VIC, Australia

Super-charge your creative confidence with a team to make a new service in 48-hours, be part of the global movement. In a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have 48 hours to develop brand new services inspired by a shared theme.

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["Jam Melbourne",-37.9712306,144.4913349,4]

Jam Melbourne

Melbourne, 3000 Victoria

The Global Service Jam Melbourne: an event where you explore and experience Design Thinking.

Super-charge your creative confidence with a team to make a new service in 48-hours. Be part of the global movement.

In a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have 48 hours to develop brand new services inspired by a shared theme. The theme will be announced on Friday night at the event.

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["Ken Behrens GovJam",-35.3138986,148.9893548,4]

Ken Behrens GovJam

Ken Behrens are an innovative and experimental bunch so we thought we'd have a go at GovJam this year. We are a small team of designers, policy experts and researchers. Our focus is on developing new ideas for solutions that add value, are human centred and evidence-based.

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["LevelUp Jam (Australia)",-35.3138675,148.9646306,4]

LevelUp Jam (Australia)

Online Jam

We're hosting a Jam! Join designers from all over the world to kickstart the global design jam. Signup with a team or as individual. We'll be matching individuals into teams.Starting on the 28th of Feburary you'll have 48 hours researching, ideating and prototyping using structured check-ins, mentors and problem breaking sessions to launch a bold idea for a new service.At the end you'll showcase your service jam to a panel of guest judges and the whole case study jam community.

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["Alpine Service Jam Innsbruck",47.2854336,11.3085788,4]

Alpine Service Jam Innsbruck


The Global Service Jam is a yearly event for service designers around the world working on specific challenges. We would have met physically, but Corona has turned everything upside down. Now we get the chance of a "Jam-from-home": spending time together virtually, learning and enjoying. So you will still experience how the process can help understanding & solving a customer experience challenge. Together with others you develop sustainable solutions for real-world problems, test your ideas in virtual surroundings and share them with others – and that all in a safe and relaxed environment.

Language(s): German.

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["Service Jam Linz",48.311885,14.2991777,4]

Service Jam Linz

Grand Garage

Peter-Behrens-Platz 1-15, 4020 Linz, Austria

Der Service Jam LINZ ist Teil der GSJam Community und ein Non-Profit Projekt – wir wollen damit einen Beitrag für mehr Kreativität und Innovationsfähigkeit in unserem Land leisten.
Wir freuen uns die Linz Edition in der Grand Garage in Linz machen zu können, einem Ort, wo PROTOTYPING groß geschrieben wird und genau darum gehts ganz im Sinne des weltweiten GSJam Mottos: Doing, not Talking. Also krempeln wir gemeinsam die Ärmel hoch, strengen unsere Hirnwindungen an und geben unseren Ideen Form und Gestalt. Denn das macht in einer weltweiten Community noch viel mehr Spaß.

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["Vienna GovJam 2019",,,4]

Vienna GovJam 2019

Wonderwerk Innovation Lab

Stoß im Himmel 3 Tür 9, 1010 Vienna

Only 48 hours to rock the public sector

Der Vienna GovJam ist ein interdisziplinäres Innovationscamp. Weltweit zum 7. Mal treffen sich Menschen aus Politik & öffentlicher Verwaltung, um in einem neuartigen Veranstaltungssetting innovative Lösungen für die aktuellen Herausforderungen des öffentlichen Sektors zu entwickeln.

Am Ende des Workshops haben die TeilnehmerInnen jedenfalls die Design-Thinking-Methode angewandt und erprobt und können diese in ihren Arbeitsalltag übernehmen – insofern hat der Jam natürlich auch einen Weiterbildungsaspekt für die beteiligen VerwaltungspraktikerInnen.

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["Vienna GovJam 2021",48.2205994,16.239634,4]

Vienna GovJam 2021

Wonderwerk Innovation Lab

Stoß im Himmel 3/19 1010 Vienna

Hi Jammers!
Cititzen-centric innovation is the way to go! Together with you we would like to think about public services from the customer's perspective. Using the Design Thinking method we will put the citizen at the core of our jam.

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["Manama Jam",26.2266124,50.553886,4]

Manama Jam

Manama jam is an event for those who are looking for alternative ideas.. through innovation and thinking by hands.. Contributing to the most important solutions for societies.. We meet as students, experts, innovators, artists and educators all in one place to make a difference.

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["Manama Jam",26.2235262,50.5524882,4]

Manama Jam

Hosted from Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain), available worldwide


An event for innovators in Manama City on 18-19 March 2022 to gather as many ideas as possible, and then to Innovate and design services in less than 48 hours. It targets anyone who is working on service design, students, academics, and Entrepreneurs.

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["Manama Jam for Impact",26.2266108,50.5477063,4]

Manama Jam for Impact

Manama City

An event for innovators in Manama City on March 18-19 to develop new innovative services. It targets anyone who is working on service design, in order to define services in their academic or professional fields to work on, gather as many ideas as possible, and then innovate and design services in less than 48 hours and design prototypes for the services.

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["Manama Service Jam",26.2285161,50.5860497,4]

Manama Service Jam

Manama, Bahrain

An event for innovators in Manama City at the weekend of the last week of March to develop new innovative services. It targets; - People who are working in service design. - Students, academics (20 - 30) years old. - Entrepreneurs.
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["Antwerp Service Jam",51.2605159,4.2172939,4]

Antwerp Service Jam

House of Innovation Antwerp

Duboisstraat 50, Antwerp 2060

One special weekend, in a spirit of experimentation, innovation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams from all over the world will develop and prototype (low fi - think of carton and stuff) in less than 48 hours completely new services, products or initiatives inspired by a shared theme.
Who can join? Everyone! Customers, academics, business people, unemployed people, designers, kids, ...
Why should I join? As a jammer, you'll learn and experience the service design process, methods and tools in just one weekend.

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["Brussels Awesome Service Jam",50.8339682,4.3572632,4]

Brussels Awesome Service Jam


Avenue Louise 50, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium

An event for innovators in Brussels the last week of March to develop new innovative services. It targets; - People who are working in service design. - Students, academics - Entrepreneurs - Jobseeking service design enthusiasts. Bringing together the Belgian service design community.  Transforming Service Through design innovation.

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["Brussels Service Jam",50.8550624,4.3051786,4]

Brussels Service Jam

Waeg, 50 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels

Brussels Service Jam is an event for innovators organized by service design enthusiasts. On the weekend of August 8th, in less than 48 hours, we will put our creative minds together and co-create solutions to solve pressing challenges that affect our world today. Whether you are working in service design, are a student, academic, entrepreneur, a job-seeking service design enthusiast or a newbie, come and join us. Are you ready to change the world?

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["Gent Service Jam 2025",51.0840983,3.549412,4]

Gent Service Jam 2025

Luca School of Arts Gent

Alexianenplein 1, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen 9000

We beloven veel fun en design for change. In 48 uur werk je in een team op een creatieve manier aan oplossingen voor een geheime uitdaging. Doe mee en bouw aan ideeën voor een andere, sociale, duurzame, inclusieve wereld.

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["Ghent Service Jam ",51.0656583,3.7296144,4]

Ghent Service Jam

Knight Moves HQ

Sint-Salvatorstraat 18, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Join us for another inspiring Global Service Jam! We're hosting the Ghent edition for the second time in a row. We hope to make it even more fun and exiting than last year. 🎉 Looking forward to jamming together!

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["GovJam Brussels",50.854954,4.3051789,4]

GovJam Brussels


Munt 6, Brussels 1000

Sta je te popelen om uitdagingen waar overheden mee worstelen oplossingsgericht aan te pakken? En wil je dat leren doen in samenwerking met verschillende stakeholders? Kom dan mee service jammen op 21 en 22 oktober in Muntpunt in Brussel!

We gaan aan de slag in kleine groepen o.l.v. ervaren facilitatoren. We formuleren een uitdaging en doorlopen stapsgewijs het service design proces van probleemdefinitie over idee-ontwikkeling tot prototyping en testing.

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["XD Jam",50.793677,4.4137219,4]

XD Jam

Emakina office - Pending to confirm (we are looking for other centric places)

Rue Middelbourg 64A, Watermael-Boitsfort, 1170 Brussels

Our Experience Design team is looking to create nice moments and memories around the topic of design. This year we want to host the Global Service Jam in the south of Brussels, inviting students, professionals, and anyone curious about the field of service design.
We are excited to open our doors (if possible) and welcome you for a special, interactive, and fun weekend about user research, ideation, and most importantly: prototyping!!!
No skills or previous experience are needed, it is a hands-on learning and inspiring weekend.

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["Gabz Service Jam",-24.6092847,25.8479315,4]

Gabz Service Jam


Join us in Gaborone for the 2024 Global Service Jam, a thrilling 48-hour event from Feb 28th to Mar 3rd, where creativity and innovation meet to design the future of services. Dive into design thinking, team up with like-minded innovators, and bring your ideas to life. This is your chance to learn, network, and contribute to meaningful change. No experience? No problem! All you need is enthusiasm and a desire to impact the world. Be part of a global movement right from Africa. Sign up for the Gabz Service Jam and turn your vision into reality!

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["Gabz Service Jam",,,4]

Gabz Service Jam

University of Botswana, Block 248/Foyer,

University of Botswana, Block 248/Foyer, Plot 4775 Notwane Road. Gaborone, Botswana

Join the Gabz Service Jam 2025, hosted by University of Botswana, in (potential) partnership with Botswana government. With this event we intend to introduce design thinking and creative facilitation processes to public service management. Participants are given a problem/theme, and then expected to find a solution in 48 hrs. Activities include research, ideation, conceptualisation and prototyping the solution to the problem. This is a diverse multidisciplinary environment, where students and proffessionals work together to come up with a solution to a given problem. Details comin

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University of Botswana

Gaborone, Botswana

Gabz Service Jam has been running since 2015. We've grown since then from hosting our first and very successful jam of 30 jammers, to more interesting jams of good multidisciplinary teams leading to more diversified and interesting solutions. Come and JAM JAM with us this year!

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[" Matraca Jam",-2.6274711,-44.4383645,4]

Matraca Jam

São Luís, Maranhão

A Matraca Jam faz parte de uma comunidade global de eventos que tem como objetivo fazer Design de Serviço.Pessoas de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, ansiosas por aprender diferentes métodos, técnicas e ferramentas e compartilhar suas experiências e gerar protótipos.
Durante 5 dias os participantes se reunirão em equipes e prototiparão soluções para problemas reais em forma de serviços. Mentores e especialistas em design e inovação ajudarão essas equipes a utilizar métodos e ferramentas que lhes auxiliem nesse processo.

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[" Service Jam Curitiba",-25.4956843,-49.42771,4]

Service Jam Curitiba

Curitiba, Paraná

Curitiba's Service Jam is hosting for the sixth time. We're excited to make an even better event, where we can learn about the process of service design together, bringing great solutions to our city, and world. This year, we're aiming for more participants and lots of fun, come join :)

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["BLU Service Jam",-26.8563406,-49.2395317,4]

BLU Service Jam

Brazil Jam will bring together a group of designers that have been working in the field of service to collaborate and share with the community the years of experience.

We welcome the participants to bring their open mind and open heart to exchange ideas and to have some fun.

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["Bacabal Service Jam",-4.2330247,-44.7881188,4]

Bacabal Service Jam

Oriente - Educação Corporativa

R. Frederico Lêda, 1253 - Centro, Bacabal - MA, 65700-000, Brazil

Bacabal Service JAM is an opportunity to interact with new people, to exercise and acquire new knowledge in a pleasant and challenging environment. You will be amazed at the pace of the 48 hours we're preparing: seeking information, proposing solutions, reviewing concepts, having fun, enjoying positive stress, making friends, expanding contacts and professional horizons, thinking and acting madly / rationally, enjoying yourself with the experiences and even doing business. We are doing everything so that, in the end, you will be counting days to live all this again.

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["Bacabal Service Jam",-4.2305731,-44.804179,4]

Bacabal Service Jam

Auditório da Oriente

Primeiro Piso do Bacabal Center, Rua Frederico Leda, 1740, Bacabal, MA 65700-000

O Bacabal Service JAM é perfeito para quem deseja aprender , testar teorias, inovar na prática, desenvolver novas habilidades e exercitar a curiosidade em ambiente descontraído.
A edição 2020 promete ampliar o sucesso do ano anterior e proporcionar , nos três dias de evento, o desafio e a oportunidade de conhecer o que é o Design de Serviços.

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["Beagá Service Jam",-19.9027025,-44.034262,4]

Beagá Service Jam

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

Beagá Service Jam é a uma dentre os mais de 100 Jams que acontecerão no mundo inteiro ao mesmo tempo. Durante 48h um grupo de entusiastas nos métodos de design se reúnem para pensar novos serviços em um desafio mundial. Durante o evento passamos pelas fases de entendimento, ideação e prototipação de soluções inovadoras.

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["Belem Service Jam",-1.4373204,-48.4898768,4]

Belem Service Jam


R. Municipalidade, 1461 - Umarizal, Belém - PA, 66050-350, Brazil

This is the second time Belém will host the Global Service Jam. The first experience was a total success in 2012 and in 2019 the event will be even more complete. Join us and come to Jam together for a better world through Service Design!

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["Bumba Jam",,,4]

Bumba Jam

A Bumba Jam tem o prazer de conectar pessoas criativas e multidisciplinares com o propósito de transformar o mundo por meio do Design de Serviço.Ao longo de toda a imersão, os participantes formarão equipes e trabalharão juntos para prototipar soluções inovadoras para problemas reais, criando serviços impactantes.Contando com o apoio de mentores e especialistas em design e inovação, as equipes terão acesso a métodos e ferramentas que facilitarão o desenvolvimento dessas soluções.

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["Floripa Service Jam 2019",-27.5948698,-48.5482195,4]

Floripa Service Jam 2019

Florianópolis - State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

A comunidade de Service Design de Floripa estátrazendo mais um evento de classe mundial: Floripa Service Jam 2019!  O Global Service Jam é um evento sem fins lucrativos, com 48horas de duração, onde estudantes e profissionais de diversas áreas se reúnempara criar serviços que podem tornar o mundo um lugar melhor! Jams estão abertos para todos: estudantes, profissionais dediversas áreas, bem como todas as outras pessoas que tiverem interesse em dar a suacontribuição. O evento acontece paralelamente em todo o mundo na mesmadata, com mais de 100 cidades desenvolvendo projetos a partir de um único"tema surpresa" que é revelado no início do programa. :)  
As inscrições abrem em breve, e serão limitadas

The Floripa Service Design community is bringing yet anotherworld-class event: Floripa Service Jam 2019! Global Service Jam is a 48-hour, non-profit event wherestudents and professionals from diverse fields come together to create servicesthat can make the world a better place! Jams are open for everybody, where students, professionalsfrom diverse fields as well as everybody else come together. The event takes place in parallel around the world on thesame date, with more than 100 cities developing projects from a single"surprise theme" that is revealed at the beginning of the program. :)
Registration opens soon, and will be limited.

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["Floripa Service Jam 2020",-27.571313,-48.7511529,4]

Floripa Service Jam 2020

Resultados Digitais

Rodovia Virgílio Várzea S/N - Floripa Office anexo ao Floripa Shopping Saco Grande - Monte Verde, Florianópolis - SC 88032-000

A Floripa Service Jam 2020 vai ser incrível! Se você ainda não conhece a abordagem do design de serviço, ou se conhece, mas nunca aplicou na prática venha com a gente projetar um serviço em 48 horas. Além de muito conhecimento, você pode fazer amigos e se divertir.

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["Fortaleza Service Jam",-3.7933105,-38.6021886,4]

Fortaleza Service Jam

Av. Humberto Monte – Campus do Pici

Av. Humberto Monte – Campus do Pici, Bloco Acadêmico Instituto UFC Virtual, nº 1430 - Fortaleza, Ceará

We are excited to finally hold the first Service Jam in Fortaleza and if you share a common passion for growth in the field of service design, innovation and human experience, you are invited to come and have a great time connecting and sharing ideas with other people during this special weekend.

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Oikos Idea

R. Tiradentes, 1541 - Centro, Franca - SP, 14400-550, Brazil

Agora Franca interage com o mundo, unindo pessoas, com diferentes formações, crenças e costumes, a fim de co-criar algo que poderá solucionar inúmeros problemas encontrados em nosso planeta. No FRANCA JAM, você e sua equipe terão 48 horas para desenvolver, por meio de ferramentas de Inovação e através da abordagem do Design Thinking e do Design de Serviços, um novo serviço. Um tema é lançado simultaneamente em todo o mundo e todas as equipes lutarão contra o tempo para alcançarem, da melhor maneira, seus objetivos.

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["GOVJAM Porto Alegre",-30.1084697,-51.4823705,4]

GOVJAM Porto Alegre

Porto Alegre, 91310002 Rio Grande do Sul

Queremos pensar global para agir local, nossa missão nessa Gov Jam é misturar varias mentes brilhantes para passar 48 horas pensando em como podemos juntos pensar projetos para servidores publicos de forma criativa, inovadora e colaborativa.

Esse é o momento de reunir as pessoas pra resolver problemas reais.

Vem junto...

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["GovJam SP",-22.5254245,-50.8851766,4]

GovJam SP

São Paulo

O GovJam SP é aberto a qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse nos serviços públicos e que queira somar suas próprias ideias e perspectivas enquanto curte a companhia dos outros e aprende mais sobre como o mundo funciona. Tanto indivíduos quanto organizações podem participar – você não precisa de experiência no governo ou setor público.

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["Londrina GOV Jam",-23.3211003,-51.2483358,4]

Londrina GOV Jam

Londrina, Paraná

Uma oportunidade para servidores públicos, cidadãos, designers e entusiastas da inovação se reunirem para repensar o setor público e co-criar novos serviços, experiências ou políticas públicas, vislumbrando futuros mais desejáveis para nossa cidade!

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["Mogi Jam",-22.4310124,-46.9935452,4]

Mogi Jam


Rua Doutor Edgard Netto de Araujo. 54 Centro, Mogi Mirim, SP 13800-178

A cidade de Mogi Mirim foi uma das selecionadas para sediar evento mundial de criação de serviços e projetos inovadores, O Global Service Jam, evento que ocorrerá simultaneamente em mais de 50 cidades espalhadas em 30 países diferentes de todo mundo.
Com o slogan “Mogi Mirim agora tem 48 horas para mudar o mundo!”, nos dias 16 a 20 de março, Mogi Mirim será um dos palcos do Global Service Jam onde pessoas que nunca se viram e de diferentes áreas do conhecimento se reunirão para resolver, de maneira criativa e inovadora, problemas reais e complexos que afligem atualmente as nossas cidades.

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["POA Jam (Simplify, Av. Bastian, 121 - Menino Deus)",-30.050591,-51.2268732,4]

POA Jam (Simplify, Av. Bastian, 121 - Menino Deus)


Av. Bastian, 121 - Menino Deus, Porto Alegre - RS, 90130-021, Brazil

Porto Alegre vai ter o prazer de estar sendo sede de um evento mundial ao qual faz tempo que não acontece por aqui.

Gostaríamos de convocar a gauchada para as 48horas mais insanas e fantásticas.

Vai acontecer no Espaço da SIMPLIFY.

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["POAJAM 2020",-30.1084984,-51.3175697,4]


Porto Alegre, RS, 91310-002

Prepare-se para edição 2020, para um evento de criatividade, colaboração e inovação em Porto Alegre.

Imagine, em um mesmo dia, poder ouvir como foi o processo criativo de outras pessoas ou ter um tema que tu nem imagina que possa sair algo, sentir o seu coração através de uma experiência onde pessoas não estão ali concorrendo e sim colaborando para chegar no fim da jornada com projetos incríveis de temas inusitados , entender um pouco mais do processo de design de serviço, ter a oportunidade de apresentar novas forma de fazer projetos.

venha pra poajam2020!

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["RP Service Jam",-21.1794578,-47.872798,4]

RP Service Jam

Pluris Aceleradora de Startups e Coworking

R. Mariana Junqueira, 33 - Centro, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo 14015-010

Prepare-se para o RP Service JAM!
Pela primeira vez Ribeirão Preto hospedará esse desafio global e simultâneo de 48h com ações baseadas em práticas do design thinking e do service design.
Apesar do desafio lançado, o RP Service JAM não é uma competição. O objetivo é integrar pessoas para desenvolver e prototipar novos serviços inspirados em um tema compartilhado.
Uma experiência incrível e um ótimo exercício para aprender ou melhorar um conjunto de ferramentas, métodos e mentalidades. Junte-se a nós!

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["Recife Service Jam",-8.0522404,-34.9286096,4]

Recife Service Jam

Recife Antigo

Recife - State of Pernambuco, Brazil

Mais uma vez a Recife Service Jam traz GSJ para a terra do carnaval em linha reta. Estamos preparando novidades ara esse ano. Nós curtam no Facebook e fiquem ligados. A Jam ocorre no último fim de semana de Março, em algum lugar no Recife Antigo. Logo, logo, tem novidades.

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["Recife Service Jam",-8.0419884,-35.0088475,4]

Recife Service Jam

Recife Antigo, Rua do Bom Jesus, 10, Recife, Pernambuco 50030-170

A Recife Service Jam chega na sua 4ª edição! Após o sucesso em 15, 16, 19, 2020 veio animado trazendo um evento que é muito mais do que um Hackaton (maratona de inovação). Respeitando os valores da Global Service Jam, funciona como uma festa. Um jeito mais leve de aprender e se conectar com inovação, onde o foco NÃO é construir uma startup num final de semana e SIM construir um novo olhar sobre como resolver problemas e tirar ideias do papel.

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["Recife Service Jam",-8.0433052,-35.0044292,4]

Recife Service Jam

Recife Pernambuco

A Recife Service Jam está de volta na sua quarta edição, depois de acontecer em 2015, 2016 e 2019, voltamos animados para fazer um evento que é muito mais do que um Hackaton (maratona de inovação) e respeitando os valores da Global Service Jam, funciona como uma festa. Um jeito mais leve de aprender e se conectar com inovação, onde o foco NÃO é construir uma startup num final de semana e SIM construir um novo olhar sobre como resolver problemas e tirar ideias do papel.

A Jam acontece no mundo todo ao mesmo tempo, a partir de um tema secreto e lúdico, participantes através do olhar de design

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["Rio GovJam",22.914069,-43.5864103,4]

Rio GovJam


Rua do Passeio, 80, Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20021-280

For the second year, we are getting together people that are interested in take actions by hand and rethink the public services in Rio!
Using Design methodologies, we will engage in a 48h marathon of cocreation and experimentation in order to innovate in the public sector!
Join us!

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["Rio Service Jam",-22.9137528,-43.5864105,4]

Rio Service Jam

Rua General Glicéri, Rio de Janeiro

A Rio Service Jam é a edição local do Global Service Jam. Durante 48h um grupo de entusiastas nos métodos de design se reúnem para pensar novos serviços para a cidade maravilhosa. Durante o evento passamos pelas fases de imersão no problema, ideação e prototipação de soluções inovadoras.

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["Rio Service Jam",-22.9137528,-43.5864101,4]

Rio Service Jam

Departamento de Artes e Design da PUC-Rio

Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 124 - Gávea, Rio de Janeiro

We are a group of designers organizing the Service Jam in Rio. We want to help other people experience the design method and help create a space where we can test and improve our habilities.It is a fun week to share with a group of passionate people

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["Service Design Jam - São Paulo",-23.5441501,-46.6585468,4]

Service Design Jam - São Paulo

Istituto Europeo di Design - IED São Paulo

R. Maranhão, 617 - Higienópolis, São Paulo - SP, 01240-001, Brazil

The Service Design Jam - São Paulo is going to organized by the group of women in Design and Innovation with the partnership of IED São Paulo.

A São Paulo Service Jam é a edição Paulistana do Global Service Jam, eventos sem fins lucrativos, no qual profissionais de diversas áreas se reúnem para criar serviços e soluções para tornar sua cidade e, até mesmo o mundo, um lugar melhor por meio do design.O evento acontece simultaneamente em mais de 120 cidades ao redor do mundo e todos os projetos desenvolvidos nessas cidades durante o Jam são enviados para a organização internacional para servirem de referência para as outras comunidades de design!
O evento dura 48h, acontecendo nos dias 29, 30 e 31 (sexta, sábado e domingo) desse mês (março) e começa com a apresentação do desafio surpresa na noite de sexta! O desafio é global e todos os projetos deverão segui-lo!
Esse ano quem está organizando o Jam de SP é a rede de Mulheres atuando em Design e Inovação, mas o evento é aberto a qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse em criar um futuro mais interessante, diverso e inclusivo a todos.
Contaremos com facilitadores de diferentes áreas de atuação e com a abordagem do Service Design Thinking + Doing para geração de ideias e criação de protótipos! Ao longo das 48h, teremos também palestras inspiradoras e várias atividades desde Networking até Mindfulness

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["Service Design Jam - São Paulo",-22.5254245,-50.8851766,4]

Service Design Jam - São Paulo

Istituto Europeo di Design - IED São Paulo

R. Maranhão, 617 - Higienópolis, São Paulo - SP, 01240-001 São Paulo

For the second time The Service Design Jam - São Paulo is the "Paulistana"edition of the Global Service Jam.

Pela segunda vez a São Paulo Service Jam é a edição paulistana do Global Service Jam, com o objetivo de levar as abordagens de Service Design para qualquer pessoa e quem sabe tornar nossa cidade e, até mesmo, o mundo um lugar melhor! Como no ano passado o evento acontecerá no IED SP e contará com palestras inspiradoras para fomentar a criatividade dos Jammers e facilitadores especialistas em Service Design.

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["Service Jam Curitiba",-25.430288,-49.26641,4]

Service Jam Curitiba


Shopping Itália - R. Mal. Deodoro, 630 - Centro, Curitiba - PR, 80010-010, Brazil

A Service Jam Curitiba é a edição local da Global Service Jam e reúne diversas pessoas para explorarem maneiras de mudar o mundo ao seu redor usando o design e criatividade. Em até 48 horas (aqui em Curitiba 27 horas!), Jammers em aproximadamente 100 cidades ao redor do mundo trabalham simultaneamente para criar protótipos inspirados com base no mesmo tema secreto. A Jam segue uma programação com diversas técnicas e métodos do Design de Serviço, passando por momentos de pesquisa com usuários, ferramentas de criatividade e técnicas de prototipação.

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["Service Jam Curitiba",-25.437234,-49.5502104,4]

Service Jam Curitiba

Reitoria. Curitiba. Paraná

Neste ano a UFPR vai promover uma ServiceJam como primeiro evento do Service Design Lab, entre os dias 18 a 20/03.
Serão 48h intensas para aprender, criar, prototipar e iterar ideias. Com certificado de participação.
O evento será gratuito com limite de 100, portanto simples mas divertido, focando alunos da graduação, mas qualquer um pode participar.

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["Service Jam Rio",-22.9068467,-43.1728965,4]

Service Jam Rio

Av. Rainha Elizabeth, 769, Ipanema

Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Local edition on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Currently looking for partners. Working hard to put Rio back into the map, after our city's last participation, back in 2013.

Our motivation is to propagate innovation initiatives within Rio. We believe that collaborative and creative journeys have transformed the way of developing business, solving problems and is aligned with the agile culture that has been positively impacting companies.

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["Service Jam São Luís",-2.5204028,-44.2336841,4]

Service Jam São Luís

Espaço Black Swan

Cantinho do Céu, São Luís - MA, 65052-050, Brazil

Pela primeira vez na cidade de São Luís teremos uma Service Jam!

A proposta da Jam é conectar pessoas de várias cidades do mundo ao mesmo tema surpresa e fazê-las vivenciar o processo de design durante um fim de semana, promovendo o aprendizado em design de serviço e experiência do usuário NA PRÁTICA.

Os participantes são separados em grupos multidisciplinares que estarão não apenas falando sobre design, mas também trabalhando com novas pessoas, desenvolvendo ideias e concretizando um projeto que possa tornar o mundo um lugar melhor.


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["Service Jam São Luís",-2.6274711,-44.4383652,4]

Service Jam São Luís

A Service Jam São Luís faz parte uma rede global de eventos abertos a entusiastas de Design de Serviço, a Global Service Jam. Pessoas de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, ansiosas por aprender diferentes métodos, técnicas e ferramentas e compartilhar suas experiências.

Durante um final de semana, os participantes se reunirão em equipes e prototiparão soluções para problemas reais em forma de serviços. Mentores e especialistas em design e inovação ajudarão essas equipes a utilizar métodos e ferramentas que lhes auxiliem nesse processo.

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["Service Jam São Luís",-2.5212692,-44.283455,4]

Service Jam São Luís

São Luís, Maranhão 65074115

The Service Jam São Luís makes a global network of events open to the enthusiastic part of Service Design Jam. People from different areas of knowledge, eager to learn different methods, techniques, tools and share their experiences. Live at Ludo Jam São Luís and enjoy all that this creative journey has to offer.

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["Service Jam São Luís",-2.5606295,-44.3406953,4]

Service Jam São Luís

Língua Portuguesa

UNDB, Av Colares Moreira, São Luís, Maranhão 65000000

Service Jam São Luís 2024 - Evento de inovação e criatividade com muito design Thinking e novidades do mercado!O melhor fim de semana está chegando! Venha conhecer mais sobre como desenhar um serviço do zero e testar na prática os resultados.A Service Jam São Luís faz parte de uma rede global de eventos abertos a entusiastas de Design de Serviço.

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["Service Jam São Luís Luis",-2.6359101,-44.428069,4]

Service Jam São Luís Luis

UNDB - Centro Universitário Dom Bosco

Av. Cel. Colares Moreira, 443 - Jardim Renascença - São Luís - Maranhão 65075-441

The 5th edition of Service Jam São Luís will take place at UNDB.This year, we will celebrate innovation and service design with many dynamics, exchanges and learning in a 100% face-to-face experience.We are waiting for you!

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["Service Jam Vitória",-20.2821881,-40.320809,4]

Service Jam Vitória

Brooder - Hub de Inovação

Av. Vitória, 1170 - Forte São João, Vitória - ES, 29051-040

Service Jam Victoria will be our first local edition of Global Service Jam. Here, where the culture of innovation and collaboration has spread through hubs all over the city, talking about Service Design is still new. We believe it will be a great opportunity to raise the issue and connect our island with this movement that has brought together people and tools around collective and global challenges.
In this event we will mobilize mentors and changemakers who are reference in the city, to ensure a potent debut for our local ecosystem.

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["Service Jam Vitória",-20.2821075,-40.3208091,4]

Service Jam Vitória

Auditório Fucape

Av. Fernando Ferrari, 1358 - Boa Vista, Vitória - ES, 29075-505

Hello Jammers, Last year a virus didn't let our Jam to succeed. Two years later, we are back, hungry for innovation, creativity and transformation. We will finally hold our fist jam in Vitoria, ES and YOU ARE INVITED! Man, women, binary, designers, entrepreneurs, artists, curious... anyone shall participate in the event. Just come and we will have great time connecting and sharing ideas.

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["São Luís Service Jam",-2.5604588,-44.3283341,4]

São Luís Service Jam

São Luís

This jam will be the second service jam in our city. This will be important to develop the service community and professional talents in service design.
In 2020 we hope to receive more professional and service design, to make grow up the local community.

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["São Paulo Service Jam",-22.5531774,-50.88528,4]

São Paulo Service Jam

We're a group of highly skilled design consultants deeply involved in service design and innovation for local and global companies in Brazil and beyond.

For us, Design is a way of thinking and doing bringing together creative and rational approaches to solve problems and develop sustainable opportunities. Let's jam together!

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["Teresópolis Jam",-22.4171232,-43.1276432,4]

Teresópolis Jam

Teresópolis, Rio De Janeiro

O Service Jam Terê não é uma competição entre grupos e sim uma experiência de colaboração. Acreditamos que o Design de Serviço é uma atividade que se aprende na prática e por isso nos empenhamos em trazer a Jam para nossa cidade.
Na jam você vai…
- aprender fazendo
- explorar novas maneiras de criar soluções
- participar de uma comunidade global

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["Sofia Service Jam",42.6978209,23.3245641,4]

Sofia Service Jam

Sofia TechPark

1000 Old City Center, Sofia, Bulgaria

Everybody is welcome to come and join our creative community and become part of unforgettable mind trip that lasts 48 amazing hours :) Knowledge, new contacts, prototypes and real projects - that's it!

Let's Jam Together in Sofia, Bulgaria!

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["Calgary Service Jam",51.0272867,-114.3686971,4]

Calgary Service Jam

Come join us for Calgary's inaugural Service Jam (held online)! Whether you're just hearing about service design for the first time or you're a seasoned practitioner, we'd love for you to come along. Stretch your brain, meet new friends, sharpen your design skills, and prototype yourself silly. We have it all and so much more!

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["Freddy Berry Jam",45.9454405,-66.7364628,4]

Freddy Berry Jam

Freddy Berry Jam is open to anyone interested in learning, sharing, and experiencing service design. Come and jam with newbies and seasoned berries alike. You might not be ready for this jelly, but we need YOU for this jam.

Location in Fredericton, NB TBD, COVID restriction dependant.

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["Freddy Berry Jam",45.9454405,-66.7364629,4]

Freddy Berry Jam

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Freddy Berry Jam is open to anyone interested in learning, sharing, and experiencing service design. Come and jam with newbies and seasoned berries alike. You might not be ready for this jelly, but we need YOU for this jam.

Location in Fredericton, NB TBD, COVID restriction dependant.

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["Fredericton Gov Jam",45.9454405,-66.7364629,4]

Fredericton Gov Jam

New Brunswick College of Craft & Design

457 Queen St. Fredericton, NB

Join us as we jam on what better public services for people might look like. We’ll do this by bringing together leaders, residents, and creatives in our community. With a mystery theme and three days to research, design, and test a service prototype, this event is for anyone interested in learning more about how design can shape public services.

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["Fredericton Gov Jams",45.9454405,-66.7364629,4]

Fredericton Gov Jams

Online/Remote Jam

Gov Jam Fredericton is jamming for a second year in a row! Come and learn with us as we explore, discover, define and experiment in fun ways. As always, there will be a mystery theme for us to unravel and dive into as we flex our creative brains to better understand the needs of citizens and the people who serve them.

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["Jam4Good Service Jam Toronto",43.7184034,-79.5184848,4]

Jam4Good Service Jam Toronto

317 Adelaide St W 317 Adelaide Street West Toronto, ON M5V 1P9

Jam4Good Service Jam Toronto brings together the Greater Toronto Area to create impactful projects that serve the city and the broader GTA community. Toronto is a multicultural city with its own challenges. Its multicultural backdrop creates a perfect setting for local solutions that unite the best practices from all around the world while reflecting on local problems.

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["Prince George Service Jam",53.9267852,-122.9175663,4]

Prince George Service Jam


3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9

The Global Service Jam is a design-led hackathon style event, where teams analyse, design, prototype, and create innovative services inspired by a secret theme. During the Jam, teams from around the world independently and simultaneously develop their own services based on the theme. The goal is to learn, connect and create new solutions for real-world problems using a design-based approach.

The Service Jam is open to anyone who is interested in service design, innovation, and human experience. Teams are developed during the event.

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["Toronto Jam for Good",43.653226,-79.3831843,4]

Toronto Jam for Good

Toronto, ON, Canada

The Toronto Jam for Good, leverages more the experience of a team that has been organising the Global Service Jam, IoT Lab for Good, FinTech Jam for Good and other similar events to bring together designers, developers and strategists to make the world better, one new service at a time.

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["Toronto Jam for Good",43.7181552,-79.5184842,4]

Toronto Jam for Good


Are you an ideas person? or are you passionate about change? Calling all designers, developers, strategists, innovators and anyone who wants to create positive change in the world!

During the Jam, you will work with people from different backgrounds to create a new service to tackle some of the world's most wicked social problems. In the spirit of experimentation, innovation, cooperation and friendly competition, teams will have a weekend to develop and prototype completely new services inspired by a shared global theme.

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["Toronto Jam for Good",,,4]

Toronto Jam for Good

The Toronto Jam for Good, brings together designers, developers, dreamers and doers to form teams and jam together for two days straight prototyping solutions for problems in the following topics: Sustainability, Housing, Financial Wellbeing, Immigration, Health & wellbeing.

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["Toronto Jam4Good",43.7181223,-79.5432083,4]

Toronto Jam4Good

Many years ago (2019, to be exact) 8 strangers with a similar interests in seeing design jams being used for good, came together and organised the first Toronto Jam for Good as a local host participating in the Global Jam. They managed to bring together 35 participants (with a 25 person waitlist), 22 mentors, 6 judges, nine speakers, and several sponsors.Last year, 24 participants, countless mentors and judges helped us create a weekend to remember.

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["Vancouver Service Design Jam",49.2827291,-123.1207375,4]

Vancouver Service Design Jam

CityStudio Vancouver

1800 Spyglass Place Vancouver, BC V5Z 4K7 Canada

Come join us for 48 hours of interactive learning and doing, you will learn Design Thinking via Service Design Framework through a non-traditional workshop experience led by MethodSquared, where we focus on actual practicing of HOW to innovate with empathy! Be prepared to have fun and be Engaged, Inspired, and Empowered.

We're excited and proud to be hosting for the 6th year in a row, and on behalf of the volunteer team at Innov8Collective, we look forward to hosting you and jamming with you along with the Global Service Jam community.

Tix for Jam:
For more info:

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["Vancouver Service Jam",49.257706,-123.2064758,4]

Vancouver Service Jam

Tofubot Studio

732 Richards St, Vancouver

Come join us for 48 hours of interactive learning and doing, where you will learn Service Design processes and methods through a series of hands-on activities led by the Vancouver Service Design Community and Vancouver Design Community.

We look forward to hosting you and jamming with you along with the Global Service Jam community.

Learn more about our organizers and the event:

Vancouver Service Design Community

Vancouver Design Community

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["Vancouver Service Jam - Online Edition",49.2578262,-123.1941154,4]

Vancouver Service Jam - Online Edition

Join us for our 7th annual Vancouver Service Jam - Online Edition, where people of all backgrounds & experiences can participate in this experiential Service Design Jam (workshop) to learn more about service design & design thinking. You'll do live practice of research, ideation, prototyping, testing & evaluation methodologies.

Two and half days of fun with learning, sharing, and challenging ourselves will lead to the co-creation of interactive service prototypes!

This year we will be going online in adaptation to pandemic measures, which means anyone from around the world can join us!

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["Vancouver Service Jam 2025",,,4]

Vancouver Service Jam 2025


328 W Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6B 0P7

Come join us for 48 hours of interactive learning and doing, where you will learn Service Design processes and methods through a series of hands-on activities led by the Service Design BC and Vancouver Design Community. ​We look forward to hosting you and jamming with you along with the Global Service Jam community.

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["Victoria GovJam",48.4261828,-123.437075,4]

Victoria GovJam

Participate in a community that’s passionate about improving public services and creating change for good! Bringing together public sector employees, service designers, IT professionals, policy advisors, and anyone engaged in government service delivery, let's connect the dots across our organizations.Our event will have an emphasis on learning by doing - we'll go through the full design thinking process in just 2 days with rapid prototyping, ideation, research gathering, and more. No prior experience required, just bring your collaboration hat!

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["SCL Service Jam",-33.4727088,-70.7702586,4]

SCL Service Jam



Join us for the first SCL Service Jam! On the weekend of August 8th, we will meet online to work in a global challenge. This event is open for everyone (designers and non-designers) who wants to learn new methods, share their experiences and have fun!

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[" Kaishan Explorer Jam",31.2243025,120.9149211,4]

Kaishan Explorer Jam


The Kaishan explorer in our eyes who can go to places where others can't go, and who can do things that others can't do. Curiosity, bloodiness, courage and pioneering spirit are the common characteristics of every The Kaishan explorer. Those classics that imprison us are used to break. Without deviating from the orthodoxy, we will eventually become the past. This year we joined Jam as a new member. With our enthusiasm and innovative thinking, we will break through all the difficulties and obstacles that meet us, go to the uninhabited land that others have never walked through,

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[" Service Jam-Beijing",39.9385449,116.1165906,4]

Service Jam-Beijing

Wangjing International Commercial Center

WeWork, 4F/Building F, Wangjing International Commercial Center, 9 Wangjing Jie,Chaoyang District Beijing, Beijing

Beijing, the capital of the people's Republic of China, is China's Political Center, Cultural Center, International Exchange Center, and Scientific &Technological Innovation Center. It is full of traditional history and culture, at the same time, it is full of innovation. Welcome to Beijing Service Jam. Let's use Service Design Thinking and Co-creation to solve problems, have fun and meet more friends there.
Have a wonderful weekend on March 12-14, 2021!

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[" Wuhan service JAM",,,4]

Wuhan service JAM

Lixin E312,Nanhu Campus

Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hu Bei 430079

Since its establishment, LeNSLab WUT(Wuhan University of Technology) has initiated the TDEx Wuhan Speech Conference and the 2023 LOBALSERVICEJAM Wuhan Station Workshop; Organize a series of activities such as DIDID distributed design dialogue and DESIGNPARTY international joint course.We hope to better leverage the advantages of Wuhan as the "City of Design" by hosting the "2024 Wuhan JAM", build a service design exchange platform, gather the strength of design institutions, enterprises, designers, and universities, and promote service innovation and the application of design methods.

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[" Zhengzhou Service Design Jam",34.7897429,113.7832494,4]

Zhengzhou Service Design Jam

School of Aeronautical Industry Management East Campus

Yuying Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province

In order to promote the development of service design to wider region of China and attract more talents, we have joined the service design 20 cities linkage in China to host this jam in my own city. Let more participants in my city and other cities get involved to feel the charm of service design together.

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["2019 Hangzhou Service Jam",30.274084,120.15507,4]

2019 Hangzhou Service Jam

Regus, 9th floor of No.28 Xueyuan Road.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Hangzhou becomes the center of inspiration, the center of innovation, and the center of the new economy entrepreneurs. It's so friendly to private sectors and people here are well-educated. We want to build a SD community for those great talents to share the creative and Inspiring thoughts and understand the importance of the service design. Let’s take 48 hours to fight for the future from nothing, building and up on 2019 Hangzhou Service JAM!

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